A year of microadventures: July

A solo wander and wild camp on Win Hill.

Jon Rhodes
2 min readAug 3, 2020

Feeling particularly locked up after several months in lockdown, a last minute wild camp in the peaks was needed.

I put the kids to bed, left the house at 7.15pm, drove a few miles and parked the car at Ladybower reservoir. I walked up the direct path to the top of Win Hill, enjoying the solitude. Camped completely out of sight in a small woodland clearing.

Got up at 4.00am, packed up, morning coffee on the summit. Walked back down, caught the sunrise, home for 6.00am before the kids woke up.

A good way to forget how 2020 has been panning out.

Trig point on Win Hill
Trig point on Win Hill, a steady 462 metres up
Views of Ladybower and Derwent reservoirs
Lanshan 1 lightweight tent
Lanshan 1. Shit photo, great tent
View of bridge at Ladybower and Derwent reservoir at sunrise
Morning views over Ladybower and Derwent reservoirs at sunrise
Ladybower reservoir at sunrise
05:00 at Ladybower reservoir



Jon Rhodes

Quite family man. Travelling, walking, camping, wild swimming or just sitting with a coffee in the garden make me happy.